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The Law Office of Derek R. Ewin.

California Drug Crimes Defense Attorney – Derek R. Ewin, Esq.

California Drug Crimes Defense Attorney - The Law office of Derek Ewin.Drug crimes are taken very seriously in California courts. Certain drug crimes are misdemeanors, but many are felonies. Some are called “wobblers” and can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony. Sentences can range from small fines of $100 to decades in state prison. There are even sentencing alternatives like “pre-trial diversion,” “differed entry of judgment,” and “drug court.” Various drug treatment programs like Alcoholics Anonymous, outpatient and inpatient hospital programs and private outpatient and residential programs can be ordered to supplement or even replace custody time. If weapons are involved potential state prison time increases. Finally, conviction for a drug crime could result in a registration requirement under Penal Code section 11590.

Drug investigations often involve searches of persons, automobiles, property and real estate. If law enforcement violates your constitutional rights during a search, your case could be thrown out. Review of your case by an experienced defense attorney that knows constitutional law is imperative in order to be assured that you are getting the best possible defense.

If you have been charged with a drug crime, an attorney can make all the difference in the world. Derek Ewin knows the drug laws, defenses and sentencing possibilities. He has handled a large range of cases from possession of paraphernalia, all the way to Sales and Transportation. He knows when treatment is an option and when it is not. If you have been accused of any of the following drug offenses, do not hesitate to contact Mr. Ewin to protect your rights and to get you the best possible outcome.

We help those faced with charges of:

  • Possession
  • Possession for Sale
  • Sale
  • Transportation
  • Use/Under the Influence
  • Manufacturing
  • Paraphernalia
  • Furnishing
  • Cultivation
  • Possession of Prescription Medication Without a Prescription
  • Motion to Suppress

(Health and Safety code sections 11550, 11350, 11357, 11351, 11351.5, 11352, 11377, 11378, 11379, 11370.1, 11369, 11368, etc.)

(Penal Code sections 1538, 1538.5, 12022, etc.)

More Information

Derek R. Ewin - Criminal Lawyer, Walnut Creek City

Call Now For A Free Consultation

(925) 308-6444

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