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The Law Office of Derek R. Ewin.

Compassionate Domestic Violence Defense Attorney Protecting Contra Costa County Couples

When the police are overcautious or overzealous or make a domestic violence arrest based on hot tempers, former Contra Costa County deputy district attorney turned defense lawyer Derek Ewin can help minimize the fallout.

Sometimes, the difference between a heated argument and a domestic violence arrest is as simple as a phone call. If the police or Contra County sheriff’s department are summoned by a nosy neighbor or by one of you in the heat of the moment, chances are they are going to make an arrest.

It doesn't matter if you live in a mansion with a gorgeous view of Mount Diablo or squeezed into a Concord townhouse; a domestic violence charge can threaten far more than just your relationship. Your rights and future are also on the line. This is especially tragic when the alleged victim doesn’t even want to press charges anymore, if they even did in the first place.

If you are facing a domestic violence arrest or charge, regardless of how your partner feels about the situation, you are going to need an experienced defense attorney to handle your case. In Contra Costa County, California, defense attorney Derek Ewin will do more than just provide the strongest possible defense and minimize the consequences of a domestic violence charge. He will help you turn your life around.

Call Now For A Free Consultation | (925) 308-6444

Why Do So Many Contra Costa Domestic Disturbance Calls Result In An Arrest?

Domestic Violence Lawyer, Contra Costa County, CA

When you, a neighbor, or a loved one calls the police on a fight going on in your home, the officer(s) that show up take on a certain responsibility towards everyone at the scene. Most of the time, this means they will try to determine who, if anyone, is the aggressor and who is the victim. Both are just alleged, of course, but that is enough to make an arrest.

This is designed to protect the perceived victim, any potential victims, and, perhaps most importantly, the police department or sheriff’s office from eventual liability should much more severe harm befall someone after they leave the scene. Unfortunately, without an arrest, it is quite complicated to take someone away from the situation, so if there has been any sign of violence or if either of you mentions a fight getting physical even for a moment, that might be enough for a domestic violence assault charge.

The arrest numbers are also fueled in part by California’s ongoing fight against domestic violence, especially sexual assault, with specific programs including some in Contra Costa County. Indeed, for some, such an arrest will be a blessing, a chance to get out of a bad situation and prevent it from getting worse. But for too many, this will not be the outcome they hoped for, especially when they learn how steep and serious the consequences of a conviction can be.

What Are the Consequences Of A California Domestic Violence Conviction

Any criminal conviction comes with consequences, from direct legal repercussions like jail time or hefty fines to indirect social and economic impacts such as job loss, career or education opportunities, or irrevocable damage to your reputation.

Domestic violence charges and convictions alike can also be uniquely disruptive. A DV charge, or worse, a conviction, on your record, can, even more than most convictions, lead to less favorable divorce or custody outcomes. Judges do not tend to favor parents with a domestic violence charge, and in certain very rare circumstances, they can even be used as a tool from one party against the other to try and maintain or obtain custody.

Whether or not they intend for the domestic violence charge to be pursued, it might also come with an order of protection against the alleged aggressor to stay away from the alleged victim. Such an order can require that you stay away from your spouse or partner and even your children, refraining from contact while it lasts, which can make it even harder to heal the wounds caused by the initial arrest.

Fortunately, that is one of the many areas in which a domestic violence defense attorney like Derek Ewin can make a substantial difference.

Call Now For A Free Consultation | (925) 308-6444

What Difference Can Derek Ewin Make As Your Domestic Violence Attorney?

Domestic Violence Lawyer, Contra Costa County, CA

When facing any criminal charge, it is vital to ensure that you have a qualified lawyer to represent your interests and rights. You want a lawyer who will tell your story to the court to help humanize your perspective.

You need someone with both compassion for your situation and determination to see it through. Someone with local experience and connections. Someone who will not be afraid to approach the prosecutor when your partner changes their story to negotiate a solution that will see you getting minimal penalties or having the charges dismissed or diminished.

In Contra Costa County, that Domestic Violence Defense attorney is Derek Ewin. Not only has he gone out on a limb to negotiate for or defend in court those accused of domestic violence, he has the perspective to pull it off. With 30 years of prosecutorial experience, including 11 as the deputy district attorney for Contra Costa County, Derek knows exactly when and where to put pressure and what to offer to get the prosecution to deliver a beneficial deal or crumble in court.

Arrested? Call A Contra Costa County Domestic Violence Defense Attorney

The Law Office Of Derek R. Ewin | Defending the rights, futures, and families of those accused of domestic violence in Contra Costa County.

Domestic violence arrests can happen in a moment of hot temper or police overreaction, but the consequences last a lifetime. Make sure your rights and future get the defense they deserve, and get your life back on track with domestic violence defense attorney Derek Ewin.

In Contra Costa County or any other Bay Area Couty, your first call after any domestic violence intervention or arrest should always be domestic violence defense attorney Derek Ewin at (925) 308-6444, or you can contact his law firm online to set up a consultation.

Call Now For A Free Consultation | (925) 308-6444
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